February 26, 2006
A Feel Good Firefighter Story
Firefighter Tom Sussman, 32, spotted the dog in a ground-floor kitchen during a fire at an East Flatbush home.
"The dog was alive, but he wasn't moving around or anything," said Sussman, of Ladder 174. "The fire was right in the next room and below me."....Daily News"
February 19, 2006
Iwo Jima D-Day Anniversary

There is no day set aside for remembrance of this battle but everyone should be reminded of the actions of the Marines on Iwo.
"D-Day February 19, 1945
Shortly before 2am on Feb. 19, 1945, the Navy's big guns opened up on Iwo Jima again, signaling the beginning of D-Day. After an hour of punishment, the fire was lifted, leaving Iwo smoking as if the entire island were on fire.
Both Americans aboard their transports and the Japanese in their caves looked to the skies now. One-hundred-ten bombers screamed out of the sky to drop more bombs. After the planes left, the big guns of the Navy opened up again.
At 8:30am, the order, "Land the Landing Force," sent the first wave of Marines towards the deadly shores. Once ashore, the Marines were bedeviled by the loose volcanic ash. Unable to dig foxholes, they were sitting ducks for the hidden Japanese gunners.
Heavy fire made it impossible to land men in an orderly manner. Confusion reigned on the beaches.
The battle was unique in its setting. One hundred thousand men fighting on a tiny island one-third the size of Manhattan. for 36 days Iwo Jima was one of the most populated 7.5 miles on earth....... "more .
Tag:iwo jima
February 18, 2006
The Never Ending Texas Fire Season
KGBT 4 reports "Firefighters scrambled to control numerous wildfires in an area of West Texas trying to recover from a rash of fires earlier this year.
The largest fire broke out Sunday afternoon in Brown County and burned from 1,200 to 1,500 acres before firefighters controlled the fire by the evening, officials said.
The fire threatened seven houses, but only one barn was burned. There were no injuries, said Capt. John Wilkerson of the Comanche Volunteer Fire Department
The fire spread from pastureland into heavily brushed, hilly terrain where several helicopters repeatedly dropped huge buckets of water drawn from a nearby stock tank.
Wilkerson said government agencies and private owners provided bulldozers and tractors to create firebreaks to slow and stop the flames.
The fire started near the town of Rising Star, which is 50 miles southeast of Abilene and 12 miles from the town of Cross Plains. A grass fire in late December swept through Cross Plains, burning 50 homes and a church.
Wilkerson said the Sunday blaze started near a residence, but the cause had not been determined late Sunday afternoon.
The fire was one of several that broke out in the region on Sunday afternoon. Local firefighters worked to control fires in Eastland and Coleman counties — areas hard hit by grass fires in December and January.
One of the state's worst droughts in decades, combined with Sunday's high winds and low humidity, contributed to the fires.
The National Weather Service reported wind speeds of at least 20 mph throughout the day in Abilene, before the winds calmed after dark.
The Weather Service warned of elevated fire risk in the region for the remainder of the week because of low humidity and gusty winds."
Find Them, Fire Them & Shame Them Publicly
"Two black firefighters at a downtown Jacksonville fire station reported finding hangman's nooses on their gear when they arrived at work Friday morning.
The fire station has been shut down, and Jacksonville Mayor John Peyton has asked the city's Human Rights Commission and the General Counsel's Office to investigate. Nooses are often used by racists to intimidate blacks because of their connection to lynching.
"These actions are morally reprehensible, and I have requested an immediate investigation of the incident by all necessary and appropriate parties," Peyton said in a statement released by his office."
From; Orlando Sentinel
Firefighter Stories Blog
February 17, 2006
Woman Gives Birth Then Aces Fire Exam
February 15, 2006
Systematic Killing Of The American Cowboy
No Postings Lately
Been busy trying to sell a house from 150 miles away among the other appointed duties.
When I can check news and find something interesting to post on I will hit the keyboard.
California wildfire season is right around the corner and I have some interesting ideas for the blog.
February 02, 2006
New York Fire Patrol Deep Sixed? Why?
"...Many people do not know what the Fire Patrol is here in New York. They see fireman with red hats working at a fire and assume that they are part of the New York Fire Department. That is not the case. They do work hand in hand but the New York Board of Fire Underwriters pays the Fire Patrol. The Fire Patrols job is to preserve and protect property during fire and water situations. These men also put their lives of the line by going into these fires to protect property by throwing covers over the property.
The most recent save was in the Soho area at the Prada, American Outfitters and Bobbie Brown stores where there was a 5-alarm fire. Not only did these brave men work relentlessly to protect the goods within these stores they also risked their lives to protect pieces of artwork on the fire floor. About 300 covers were used during this fire. With a possible savings of over a million...."