March 28, 2007
Donate To A Worthy Cause
Jason at Hamptons Fire is generously donating a portion of his earnings from to a worthy cause.
The New York Firefighters
Burn Center Foundation
21 Asch Loop
Bronx, NY 10475
Burn Center Foundation
21 Asch Loop
Bronx, NY 10475
(718) 379-1900
The New York Firefighters Burn Center Foundation has sent youngsters ranging in age from eight to eighteen to this camp from the very beginning. This year was no different. Located this year in Union, Connecticut, the Foundation provided forty-three youngsters. The kids we send are always from New York City and surrounding communities and most had their burn injuries treated at the Burn Center at New York Presbyterian Hospital. Jim Fitzgerald (Lt. Ret. of Lad 79, and a Foundation Director) has volunteered his services for many years as a counselor at the burn camp. Jim has been joined by several nurses and therapists from the Burn Center and as many as ten firefighters from Connecticut departments who also contribute their time and energy. The only compensation they receive is the satisfaction they derive from bringing some happiness to these youngsters.
We can't think of a better way to continue to reach out to burn victims. If you could witness the joy these youngsters demonstrate at being with others who share their plight, at being able to simply have some fun for a change, we're sure you'd agree that our support for these youngsters is a most worthwhile project. If you'd like to volunteer your services as a counselor at the Burn Camp next year, please call the Foundation at 1-718-379-1900 and we will get back to you.
Following Jason's lead I'll pledge 50% of anything I earn from my affiliation to the Burn Center Foundation through he Spring months.
Following Jason's lead I'll pledge 50% of anything I earn from my affiliation to the Burn Center Foundation through he Spring months.
Labels: Burn Center, FDNY