October 02, 2007
Killer Ameoba, Are First Responders At Risk?

From the article:
"According to the CDC, the amoeba called Naegleria fowleri (nuh-GLEER-ee-uh FOWL'-erh-eye) killed 23 people in the United States, from 1995 to 2004. This year health officials noticed a spike with six cases — three in Florida, two in Texas and one in Arizona. The CDC knows of only several hundred cases worldwide since its discovery in Australia in the 1960s. In Arizona, David Evans said nobody knew his son, Aaron, was infected with the amoeba until after the 14-year-old died on Sept. 17. At first, the teen seemed to be suffering from nothing more than a headache. "We didn't know," Evans said. "And here I am: I come home and I'm burying him." After doing more tests, doctors said Aaron probably picked up the amoeba a week before while swimming in the balmy shallows of Lake Havasu, a popular man-made lake on the Colorado River between Arizona and California...."
The article goes on describing the tragedy the befell the Evans family. I have a 14 year old myself and I cannot imagine how the Evans family is coping.
Are Responders, rescuers alerted to the dangers presented by this ameoba? Are municipalities advising, training, providing nose plugs etc. for water rescue. I have little doubt deep and swift water rescue teams are aware and take protective measures but what about engine companies, volunteers and responding police?
If nothing else everyone should be aware when entering warm murky waters in the course of duty.
Official CDC Definition of Naegleria Fowleri
Labels: first responders, volunteer firefighters
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Thank you for pointing that out.
This site also discusses the water borne illness.
I studied sociology and history!
Genus, family, etc. seemed too much but now I know I should have paid attention.
This site also discusses the water borne illness.
I studied sociology and history!
Genus, family, etc. seemed too much but now I know I should have paid attention.
Considering that the first most of us heard of this amoeba was just recently. It would be prudent of municipalities especially in the areas that are affected to start to look at precautions for their teams. At that very least to educate their departments on this very scary event. Great blog!
I want to inform you about Carlo Parlanti's case. He's an Italian citizen locked up in a California's jail accused of rape and sentenced for nine years of detention.
His trial was a farce. None of the evidence against him was ever supported by a sort of assessment.
Carlo is locked up in Avenal prison since 2005.
Carlo is suffering, He's ill: Hepatitis C, Piorrea, Asthma, He's keeping to lose weight cause of his awful physical conditions. His right of being cured It's not honored.
Italian Government use to act with Carlo like Ponzio Pilato did with Jesus Christ. Italian Government and most of all Italian associations, vip politicians, seems to be deaf to all the pleas maiden by Ms. Katia Anedda, Carlo's girlfriend.
A big and afwul indifference's wall around Carlo's life.
Carlo is now locked up in the Main Jail of Ventura, waiting for the risentencing now fixed on October, 25th. It's was previous fixed on October 1st: it was moved because of Carlo's risentencing lawyer: He need to study Carlo's Case. This lawyer is paid by our Los Angeles' embassy only for risentencing. On October 1st the Judge ordered Carlo to come back in Avenal, but today, Carlo is still in Ventura, without his medicines for asthma.
We're trying in all the way We know to help him and ripple the whole world with his case. But there's no way: nobody seems to be supportive with Carlo, except of us, normal people who don't have the power to force Governments to do their work. We're are keep on trying, but it's hard. Maybe for Italy Carlo is not cool, He's not an useful medium of exchange with any other Italia's need.
There are some private enterprises: Carlo's Site, Secondo Protocollo, Carlo Free, Chit's Blog, Opinionista opinabile, who are trying to do something for Carlo. But most of all, there are mainly people, common people, who's trying to break this afwul indifference's wall. There are Katia, Valentina, Claudio , Franco, Cristina M., Stefy, Marie, Cristina, Francesco, Raffaella , Daniela and many other persons who do their best to help Carlo with their signature's on the international petition, a post on their blog, sometimes with a simple link.
We're all fighting to give back Carlo his life, a fair trial, his family.
We're only common people who's giving their pleas to you. You're our last hope.
His trial was a farce. None of the evidence against him was ever supported by a sort of assessment.
Carlo is locked up in Avenal prison since 2005.
Carlo is suffering, He's ill: Hepatitis C, Piorrea, Asthma, He's keeping to lose weight cause of his awful physical conditions. His right of being cured It's not honored.
Italian Government use to act with Carlo like Ponzio Pilato did with Jesus Christ. Italian Government and most of all Italian associations, vip politicians, seems to be deaf to all the pleas maiden by Ms. Katia Anedda, Carlo's girlfriend.
A big and afwul indifference's wall around Carlo's life.
Carlo is now locked up in the Main Jail of Ventura, waiting for the risentencing now fixed on October, 25th. It's was previous fixed on October 1st: it was moved because of Carlo's risentencing lawyer: He need to study Carlo's Case. This lawyer is paid by our Los Angeles' embassy only for risentencing. On October 1st the Judge ordered Carlo to come back in Avenal, but today, Carlo is still in Ventura, without his medicines for asthma.
We're trying in all the way We know to help him and ripple the whole world with his case. But there's no way: nobody seems to be supportive with Carlo, except of us, normal people who don't have the power to force Governments to do their work. We're are keep on trying, but it's hard. Maybe for Italy Carlo is not cool, He's not an useful medium of exchange with any other Italia's need.
There are some private enterprises: Carlo's Site, Secondo Protocollo, Carlo Free, Chit's Blog, Opinionista opinabile, who are trying to do something for Carlo. But most of all, there are mainly people, common people, who's trying to break this afwul indifference's wall. There are Katia, Valentina, Claudio , Franco, Cristina M., Stefy, Marie, Cristina, Francesco, Raffaella , Daniela and many other persons who do their best to help Carlo with their signature's on the international petition, a post on their blog, sometimes with a simple link.
We're all fighting to give back Carlo his life, a fair trial, his family.
We're only common people who's giving their pleas to you. You're our last hope.
I am confused Chit.... What does Carlo have to do with water bourne illness and protecting first responders?
It wasn't a plea from Nigerian bank account crooks, best I could tell after following the link.
I sense this is a real effort by someone in Italy who has a loved one incarcerated in beautiful Avenal, LOL
BTW, I've known guys who worked at that facility and it's no place to work OR live.
So I left up the comment, if the convict is a rapist I hope he rots in hell. If he is the victim of poor lawyering then I hope he gets to go home if exonerating evidence supports his plea.
I'm not donating but you never know, there are some (a few) in prison who don't belong.
It's also good karma, many American citizens are locked up overseas on true trumped up charges. What would I do to drum up support for one of my own?
Also Jude, I get a ton of hits from Italy, Greece, and the Baltics since the Greek fires in August.
I understand I'm popular in Macedonia......
Who knew?
I sense this is a real effort by someone in Italy who has a loved one incarcerated in beautiful Avenal, LOL
BTW, I've known guys who worked at that facility and it's no place to work OR live.
So I left up the comment, if the convict is a rapist I hope he rots in hell. If he is the victim of poor lawyering then I hope he gets to go home if exonerating evidence supports his plea.
I'm not donating but you never know, there are some (a few) in prison who don't belong.
It's also good karma, many American citizens are locked up overseas on true trumped up charges. What would I do to drum up support for one of my own?
Also Jude, I get a ton of hits from Italy, Greece, and the Baltics since the Greek fires in August.
I understand I'm popular in Macedonia......
Who knew?
He is in prison because he tried to kill his girlfriend, rough sex with her and threatened her daughter and boogied to Italy where he was SHOCKED to find out that authorities were looking for him.. Hmmmmmm.....
"He is in prison because he tried to kill his girlfriend, rough sex with her and threatened her daughter and boogied to Italy where he was SHOCKED to find out that authorities were looking for him.. Hmmmmmm....."
where do you read it? It's not the true story...
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where do you read it? It's not the true story...
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