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November 11, 2008

Sorting Things Out Post Election

This site is primarily about blogging fires but it's a blank slate when nothing is burning so I have a few observations.

In my neighborhood there were no lawn signs for Obama or Senator McCain. A neighbor nailed a giant poster their 7 year old son made to a tree trunk. The cardboard poster said "President McCain vote for" and was drawn with crayons. There were signs for Prop. 8 all over the place and a few signs for the mayoral race but few to none for president.

Once the election was over I felt a severe sense of loss for my Country. I have always felt the Country should be led by someone with military experience. Why? Because when you serve in the United States Military you agree to put your life on the line for the country. It doesn't mean you don't love your country any less if you don't serve but for the top office I like someone who ate dirt in boot camp.

This election was so important because we live in a world where so many bullies are waiting to test us and our resolve. This was no time to engage in social experimentation. 52% of the electorate did not agree with my view.

In the election aftermath I vowed to limit social interaction with those who I know voted for Obama. I know maybe four or five people who openly declared their intentions and we don't talk much anyway, they all live in blue states. Most of my immediate family are Republicans but I have a few friends and acquaintances that I've never discussed politics so I did not know where they stood.

Four days after the election I dropped my son off at a friends home and the mother came out to chat. I expressed my dissatisfaction with the election and she admitted she was upset as well.

She comes from Serbia, her husband is from Greece. She said to me "Mike, how stupid could the people be?" That is an abbreviated example of her anger. She has experienced living in a society where the government imposes severe taxation and burdensome regulation. What did you do she said? I'll never forget that statement. When their son enters college they plan to retire to Greece. If she is going to live in a socialist state she prefers Greece where costs and crime is lower.

Another friend, a dear friend, a single mother who lost her husband when their daughter was in fourth grade dropped by on Sunday. We have never talked politics, I assumed she was a democrat but it didn't matter, politics just never came up. My wife told her she won't watch the news now because it's all about the new president. Our friend let loose a floodgate of emotion and she too said what did these {foolish blanks} do?

She was particularly offended by the way the press treated Sarah Palin. The feminists failed Sarah, they betrayed what they originally stood for. Women especially should have applauded Sarah. Obamamania trumped fairness and the press and feminists dutifully fell in line.

So a new era begins. Hollywood is happy, newsroom editors are happy as are constitutional lawyers, community organizers, union organizers anyone disenfranchised, Cuba, Venezuela, Europe, the downtrodden, Generation Y and some Gen. X ers ........ your day is here.

Entrepreneurs, immigrants from socialist nations, proponents of a strong military, defense contractors, 401k owners, gun owners, pro-life supporters, investors and glass half full people, your ship has sailed.

By a 4% margin the nation bought into the "change" rhetoric. Change you may regret voting for.

If you have a strong stomach and a half hour to dedicate read the Obama timeline. Some of the stuff is bunk but if even 25% of it is true we are screwed.


This was an extremely disturbing post for me. You had an excellent blog, and I have enjoyed your expertise and insight on wildfires and firefighting. It doesn't bother me that we disagree politically - the more frightening scenario for me is when everyone agrees, and ideas aren't tested, refined and moderated by opposing points of view.

But to say you will limit social interaction with those who voted for Obama? Wow. When people have that kind of reaction, I begin to fear for our democracy. (And this is not a partisan accusation: I strongly oppose Prop. 8, for example, but I can't condone some of the protest tactics that I'm starting to see).

I'm not a Hollywood type, by the way, or any of the other people who should think their day is here. I'm a 60-yr old immigrant, whose husband works for a defense contractor.

But what I see is that my entrepreneur friends are suffering from the economic downturn and credit crunch; my 401K has lost about 1/3 it's value; my relatives in "socialist" Austria (Schwarzenegger's description, not mine) are able to get excellent health care, while all around me here are losing their insurance; our "strong" military is fighting an unwise war on the backs of friends' sons, who are returning for second and even, for one, a third tour... seems to me the ship has not sailed for those that you enumerate, it pretty much sank before Obama was even elected.

Higher taxes? Probably coming to California thanks to our Republican Governor. Support Sarah Palin because she is a woman? That is not what feminism is about, and any woman that tells me I should do so is merely sexist, not feminist.

But here I go, wanting a discussion when I suspect you've already stopped reading. I will respect your wishes, and delete your bookmark from my computer. Thanks for several years of wonderful fire updates and links.
Well, Mike, Annelise was a little harsh, I'd say. You are still my favorite firefighter blog.

However, you must not be around, as I sent you an email, and alerted you to the Tea Fire in Montecito. Jim Smith's Type II IMT called up, as well as CalFire Type I IMT Team 10 (can't remember the IC's name.)

So, now you have something to cover for your blog. At 4 am, 80 homes destroyed, per reports. Liberal Christian College has lost several buildings, and students and staff evacuated to the "fire-proof" gym.
"I have always felt the Country should be led by someone with military experience. "

Evidentally Cap'n Mike believes Ronald Reagan, Thomas Jefferson, and FDR weren't qualified to lead the country. Interesting.

I'm with annelise, I find your post disturbing and depressing. As someone who purports to love his country and its principles, your actions only serve to weaken both.

Annelise, I appreciate your comment. When I wrote it I expected more responses like yours.

I don't apologize for how I feel.

On the subject of ignoring Obama voters. Well, if we meet let's not talk politics.

When I wrote that I had two people in mind that voted for the guy who will be impacted economically by her vote, as in lose their jobs.

Economic suicide and nothing could persuade them otherwise. Life is too short to argue with such people.

Good news, Michael Steele will make headlines in the next couple of years and I have someone to support for 2012.

Be safe and guard your money Annelisa.
Anon, Ronald Reagan enlisted in the Army Reserve as a private.

Thomas Jefferson, well give me a break. He gets a pass, he did enough.
"Anon, Ronald Reagan enlisted in the Army Reserve as a private."

...and spent the war making films for the Army doing publicity tours to assist with the war effort.

Pretty low bar you've set for RR.

p.s. I'm a Republican who voted for McCain in two primaries.
Almost joined this blog for fire news but have other outlets without political motives. I am never taking off my orange IAFF 'Firefighters for Obama Biden' off my red Xterra that is covered with fire stickers. I get enough fear mongering around red (lots of fires) and Republican Riverside County. And yes gun sales are up in my county too.
Why would gun sales be up? Hmmm.

I'll note too Irishfiregrl your profile pic is a caricature of Senator McCain.
How is that polite of conciliatory?
Wow, I had to delete some very hateful comments. I think it is interesting that some fans of the new president are so intolerant.

I'll accept the premise that I am intolerant but please don't come back to me that this movement is full of thoughtful, tolerant and understanding citizens.

This kind of change is worse than the status quo.
I can tolerate different polical viewpoints - the fact that they exist is a sign of a healthy nation.

What frightens me about your post is your desire to cut off all contact with those who think diffently than you.

When I read that, the image I saw was that of Iraq, where Shites and Sunni limit contact and create parallel, separate societies.

How ironic that as America works to break down those barriers in Iraq and create a functioning democracy, intolerate citizens at home unthinkingly could be turning America into Iraq.

How sad.
Anonymous commenter,

One of the freedoms I enjoy is the freedom to avoid groups or individuals at my discretion.

You should be far more worried about the prop 8 protesters who are actually acting out against those who disagree with the election results than my decision to simply avoid certain Obama voters that I know personally.
Right on, Capt. Mike. But don't pull your head into a shell. We need your rational, experienced, wise voice now more than ever. The ship of state may be leaking but it hasn't sunk yet. We can weather this storm. This country is too great for one set of extremists to pull us down.
With freedom come responsibility.

You are free to be ignorant, but I don't recommend it.
Very informative post. Thanks for taking the time to share your
view with us.

I also run a blog that you might want to frequent and possibly
become a regular reader of J

Here’s a comment that’s received a good response lately…

Smoke is the leading cause of death in a fire. Most individuals die as a result of being overcome with smoke. They literally suffocate because smoke removes the oxygen from a space. While you sleep, you have a greater risk of death associated with smoke inhalation because of the risk of not waking up in time to get out of the house.

The full post as well as many more can be viewed by dropping by
this page…


Thanks again,
Eric Switzer
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